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Maandag 31 Oktober 2016

Vertroue is ñ "eina" woord


Soms ontmoet jy net iemand en maak nie saak hoe hard jy daardie persoon probeer vertrou nie, hul aksies maak dat jy die heeltyd twyfel.

Die opregtheid ontbreek. Daai tipe persoon wat soos ñ kletterende blik bord is... en almal se sake is almal sin. Soms is die intensies goed, maar die respek vir privaatheid bestaan glad nie.

En dan weer, die persoon wat soet stories het, een mooi belofte op die ander. En wanneer dit aksie-tyd is, dan is die druiwe suur dan "backfire" alles.

Of iemand, wat dit nie eers subtiel doen nie, hul breek en verneuk net om elke hoek en draai.

Ek het al geleer om nie sommer mense te vertrou nie. Maar, daar is ook sterre in hierdie wêreld, mense wat jou opreg liefde gee... al verdien jy dit glad nie. Mense wat nie iets terug verwag nie, maar die wêreld ñ beter plek vir hul naaste maak.

As ek nou in ñ persoonlike opset moet dink... dink ek altyd aan my Pa. Hy was beslis nie perfek nie. En gelukkig sê God dat Hy Jesus Sy Seun sien as Hy na ons kyk (as ons kies om in Sy seun Jesus te leef) en nie ons menslike foute nie.

Maar, een ding van my Pa... jy kon met enigiets na hom toe gaan. Hy sou nie dit privaat hou. Hy sou help waar hy kan, en niemand hoef te weet nie.

Dit laat my soveel dink aan ons Hemelse Pappa. Jy kan God vertrou. Met jou hele hart. En niks, sal dit verander nie. God ken jou hart, jou seer, jou struikelblokke, vrese en jou vreugdes.

Hy weet dat alles Okay sal wees omdat Sy seun reeds vir jou gesterf het. En Hy, bewaar jou, jy kan met enige iets na Hom toe gaan. Hý het nie die wêreld se opinie daaroor nodig nie.

Amazing! Ons dien ñ Lewende God.


Vrydag 28 Oktober 2016

Should you ever say "no" to awesome opportunities? Yes! But why?

The world constantly tells us how bad it is to be a "quitter"... "don't quit"...

I truly believe one should not give up in life. But, today I opened my eyes to a very important lesson.

You can say no of excellent opportunities. You see, life is all about opportunities, everyone tells you this. Well, to me, life is all about NOT wasting any time :-)

So, I need to be able to say no to excellent opportunities some times, if it steals important time from my children, who I love dearly.

You see, what is more important, than giving your children TIME?

When I find myself dwelling off track from my purpose as a mother and a human being... then I just remember about Jesus and his lesson about the children:

Matthew 19:13-15

Then the little children were brought to Jesus for Him to place His hands on them and pray for them; and the disciples rebuked those who brought them. But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them! For the kingdom of heaven” belongs to such as these. And after He had placed His hands on them, He went on from there.…

Choose your opportunities wisely. Remember, money and experience are lovely earthly things, but they can never replace the one gift: time.

Maandag 24 Oktober 2016

Ons as vroue

Ek is seker julle het dalk geskok gestaan met die vorige artikels wat ek "geshare" het oor die knaende vrou.

Wat was interessant oor hierdie artikels?

Wel. kom ons kyk, dit is uit 'n man se perspektief geskryf...

Ons wil tog ook maar hulle koppe verstaan soms?

En, alhoewel dit dalk nie altyd waar is nie, is ons almal maar soms bietjie knaend?

Veral, as ons onder druk is.

Vandag wil ek net noem. ek weet dit is nie maklik om 'n vrou te wees nie. En ook nie, om 'n man gelukkig te maak nie.

Ek bid sommer vir jul elkeen vandag, vir kalmte van gees, vir krag, en vir sommer net baie, baie genade van Bo,

Heerlike week aan al my blom-vriendinne.

Sondag 23 Oktober 2016

Stages of a Nagging Wife...

And Willard shares the following:

The Stages of Nagging {wow}

"As I indicated above, nagging comes in stages. At first, a wife's complaints are usually introduced with respect. She lets her husband know that she would appreciate it if he would discuss his decisions with her before he makes them. But he tells her that there are some issues in life that he must decide for himself. Or he says that he will discuss them with her in the future, but then rarely does. He considers her complaints to be nagging, but they're nothing compared to what's in his future.

After a while, when she realizes that her husband has no intention of resolving conflicts with her, she raises the volume. That's the second stage of nagging. She tells him that she won't put up with his thoughtlessness and picks a fight whenever he makes an independent decision. That's where demands, disrespect and anger take over. She lets him know that he won't get away with his thoughtlessness. She'll make him pay.

But fights don't solve problems. They just make matters worse. And her resentment over the many thoughtless decisions he's made piles up to where it's all she can think about. The third stage of nagging takes over as she remembers the countless ways that her husband has mistreated her. And her memory is sharpened whenever they are together. She won't forgive him for suffering he caused her, and she certainly can't forget it. One woman recently told me that she felt as if she had been stabbed by her husband a thousand times, and as she lay bleeding on the floor he wants her to forget the past and hope for a better future.

What can the husband do?

If you don't face this problem in your marriage, which has existed for other couples for thousands of years, it's relatively easy to see that its solution requires the cooperation of both spouses. Neither can solve it on their own.

During the first stage, when a wife is being respectful when she has a complaint, a husband should take her complaint very seriously. She is trying to work with him to find common ground, and is willing to consider options that would make them both happy. But if he were to call her complaints nagging, and encourage her to keep them to herself, he would be making a great mistake. He'd be missing an opportunity to solve little problems before they grow to become monsters. By trying to shut her up in this first stage, he is not only being disrespectful toward her, but he is also destroying the good will she still has for him.

By the time conflicts get to the second stage of nagging, her good will has been squandered. She no longer believes that her husband cares about her interests, so she must fight for them. She must force him to care for her. So she becomes demanding, disrespectful, and angry in an effort to get her way.

In this second stage, when a husband recognizes a shift in her approach from being respectful to being disrespectful, he usually fights fire with fire. If she wants to be disrespectful, he can be that way, too. But if he makes that mistake, he will see his marriage unravel rather quickly.

The right way for a husband to approach a demanding, disrespectful, and angry wife is to try to temporarily look past her inappropriate way of expressing herself, and try to deal with the complaint in a respectful way. But this is where her cooperation is absolutely necessary. When he's willing to address her complaints the right way, she should somehow restrain her temptation to be abusive toward him. Instead of regarding her abusive methods as the only effective way to get his attention, she should regard his willingness to negotiate with respect as something they should both do.

Demands, disrespectful judgments, and angry outbursts should be completely eliminated from a couple's conversation with each other. They do not help couples solve marital problems. Instead, they prevent those problems from being solved and drive away the only person who can help solve them. Furthermore, they destroy romantic love, the key ingredient for a happy marriage.

But when a husband's wife has entered the third stage of nagging, where all she can think about is the years of neglect that she has endured, and she can't seem to overcome the deep resentment she experiences whenever she see him or talks with him, solutions are very difficult to find.

I've counseled many very intelligent and resourceful women who simply can't seem to talk respectfully to their husbands. In every other area of life and with every other person, they have complete control over their emotional reactions. But faced with their husbands, they simply cannot stop talking about their resentment. In these cases, a husband usually has no other choice but to separate.

There are some women, however, who can control their anger and resentment in this stage long enough to let their husbands recreate the good will they once felt. These women know that if their husbands are serious about resolving conflicts the right way, and prove it in the way they are resolving current conflicts, they can make enough Love Bank deposits to restore romantic love to their marriage. If they give their husbands enough time to correct their mistakes, the resentment that had been building over the years dissipates.

How to resolve conflicts the right way

I have created a rule that can set a couple on a path to recovery, regardless of the stage of nagging a woman finds herself in, if both spouses follow it. I call it thePolicy of Joint Agreement: Never do anything without an enthusiastic agreement between you and your spouse. If a husband and wife agree to follow that rule, neither of them will do anything to upset each other. They stop living their lives as if the other doesn't exist and forces them to be thoughtful of each other when they're tempted to be thoughtless. Their discussion should be safe and pleasant if a couple are serious about resolving their conflicts. Both of them must avoid making demands, being disrespectful, or getting angry while they try to come to an agreement.

Since their goal is enthusiastic agreement, they should each focus attention on the other person's perspective so that they can think of ways of satisfying both points of view. Instead of trying to force their own way of thinking on each other, they should try to understand each other. How can they resolve the conflict in a way that makes them both happy?

Equipped with a better understanding of the issue, they give each other ideas that might work. As possible resolutions come to mind, they email them to each other, and every day they respectfully discuss them until they have found a winner.

While this approach to marital conflict resolution clearly works when followed, couples often think it's too complicated to attempt. It's so much easier to try to force the issue, or to try to ignore it entirely. But when either of those tactics are tried, fights usually ensue.

How to get the ball rolling

Are you married to a nagging wife? Or does your husband ever accuse you of being a nagging wife? There's a simple way to overcome that problem in your marriage, but it will take the cooperation of both of you.

As a wife, you should put an end to demands, disrespect, and anger whenever a conflict with your husband arises. And don't bring up mistakes of the past. Focus your attention on the problem at hand. Offer your husband the opportunity to discuss it with respect, agreeing to follow the Policy of Joint Agreement until it's resolved. And your husband should have the same right to raise issues with you, without you becoming disrespectful or angry with him.

As a husband, you should address every complaint your wife makes with patience and kindness. You should enter into a discussion with her regarding every issue she raises, and do it without any disrespect or anger on your part. If you think that she has so many issues that you feel overwhelmed by them, organize them together and set priorities. Focus on the three that top her list, and when they are resolved, work your way through it.

When a couple fails to resolve their conflicts the right way, conflicts tend to pile up. And resentment also piles up. In those marriage, couples lose hope that there can ever be peace. But when a couple starts to attack the pile with mutual thoughtfulness, the very fact that progress is being made restores their hope. There's no time like the present to begin resolving those conflicts in a way that completely eliminates nagging."

Knaende, aanhoudende vrou? Ek? Jý? Soms!

Die klaende vrou (en ek dink alle vrou was al een of ander tyd hierdeur)...

Wel, haar storie begin as volg:

"Their wives' story usually begins with an effort on her part to be accommodating in the face of her husband's thoughtlessness. She mentions the problems she is having with decisions he makes in a polite and restrained way, but nothing ever changes. The problems he creates for her persist indefinitely and the resentment that accompanies them finally boils over. He wants her to forgive and forget but she cannot do either. The more she thinks about what she's been through the angrier she feels. And when she's alone with him, she lets him know about it.

The reason that this problem has persisted for so many millennia is well understood by most women whose husbands ignore their complaints. By expressing their displeasure with intensity, at least they are letting off steam, and once in a while they get their husband's attention. Many of these women I've counseled have told me that they know it doesn't do much good to keep rehashing the past, but they feel better when they do it. One husband told me once that he occasionally lets his wife lambaste him for about two hours because he knows that she will be in a much better mood when it's all over. But then he does nothing to address the problems she raises."

Lees gerus morê Deel 3 saam met ons...

Jóu huwelik gebou om ñ leeftyd te hou?

Huwelike wat gebou is om 'n leeftyd te hou...

Ek is dankbaar dat ek nog nooit deur die pynlike ervaring van egskeiding moes gaan nie. Maar, ek was wel betrokke in verskeie ernstige langtermyn verhoudings, wat my baie geleer het oor wat ek van ñ man verwag, en ook waar ek my liefdestaal moet aanpas.

Dit is maar die een groot ding van liefde in die lewe... liefde beteken verskillende dinge vir verskillende mense. Jy kan nie iemand dwing om van liefde op ñ sekere manier te hou nie, jy moet terugstaan, aanpas, opoffer... en tog ook... jou eie mens kan bly, nie jouself verloor nie.

Baie mense "settle" vir ongelukkige verhoudings bv. waar daar manipulasie is, vrees, vrees vir die onbekende, geld en sekuriteit, of ander redes...

En sommige mense probeer te hard, maar gebruik verkeerde "taktiek". Jy kan hope liefde gee en dan wonder waarom word dit nie aanvaar of terug beantwoord nie... vraag is:gee jy die liefde wat jy graag wil gee óf gee jy die liefde wat daai persoon graag wil hê, na hunker, nodig het? Verander jou "taktiek".

Daar is nie plek vir selfsug en hardkoppigheid in liefde nie... nee, jy moet leer of verloor.

Alhoewel ons, ons naaste moet liefhê soos ons self, is hulle individue... uniek in eie reg, en moet ons hulle die liefde gee, wat hul nodig het om te blom.

Dieselfde met kinders... jy kan nie ñ kind dwing nie, hul gedagtes is opreg en uniek hul eie. Moenie ñ boompie knak omdat hy anders as jou boompie lyk en groei nie.

So, Willard Harley junior het geskryf oor Hoe om ñ pad te stap met 'n bakleierig en knaende vrou... en kom ons vrouens kry bietjie "balls"... kom ons lees met groot oop kop watter idees Willard uitspreek.

Opsomming van sy filosofie:

"Dit is beter om te lewe in 'n woestyn as 'n bakleierig en knaende vrou (Spreuke 21:19)"

Baie mans word uit hul huise verdryf as gevolg van hul vroue wat net sal nie kan ophou kritiek gee op alles wat hul doen, sê en nie doen, nie. Wat hierdie manne soek, is gewoonlik net een ding (nee... nie DAAI een ding nie) ... die manne soek vrede, maar wat hulle kry is die teenoorgestelde - oorlog.

Wat kan hulle doen om die egskeiding wat gewoonlik hul ontsnapping is te voorkom? Meer tot die punt, wat kan hulle doen om hulle vrouens te bevredig sodat hulle sal ophou om so krities te wees?

Hul verhaal begin gewoonlik op dieselfde manier. Tydens hofmakery, en die res van die grootste deel van hul huwelik, lyk hul vroue baie gelukkig en ondersteunend teenoor hulle. Hulle voel dat hulle huwelike is net volmaak. Maar geleidelik met tyd, raak hulle vrouens bakleierig. Hulle begin om te argumenteer oor skynbaar onbenullige sake, net om later om verskoning vra... blameer dit op 'n slegte dag. Soos hul probleme meer word, so ook word die intensiteit van hul kritiek. Kort voor lank het hierdie mans hulself in ñ situasie waar hul meer tyd spandeer by die werk of in vrye tyd sonder hulle vroue, net om 'n bietjie rus en vrede te hê. En dat maak juis dít hul vrouens nog meer befoeterd. Ongeag van hoe hard die man ń man probeer wees, die konstante vloei van kritiek word uiteindelik ondraaglik... Uiteindelik het hulle hulself in so ñ situasie.... woon apart, of woon saam maar het uitmekaar gedryf, en wonder hoe hulle in staat is, indien enige, om hul huwelike te red.

Deel 2... lees môre weer saam vir die res van hierdie artikel ...

Dinsdag 18 Oktober 2016

Quote for today

"You can run away from what you're afraid of, but you'll be running the rest of your life. At some point you have to face your fear. And when you do, you'll discover that fear itself is a coward in the face of courage." -Mark Batterson

Vrydag 14 Oktober 2016

Die stad se ligte skitter en ons raak blinder...

Hierdie was 'n rowwe week met die nuus van Pravin Gordhan tussen die waterbeperkings en drama by Universiteite tot by die gyselaarsdrama wat in The Meadows Landgoed in Moreletapark afgespeel het.

Ons het reg agter hierdie kompleks gewoon. Ons het baie vriende in die area. Dis 'n rustige area, 'n lekker leef area.

Ek het onlangs teruggekom van Namibie, en 'n meer plattelandse bestaan in hulle hoofstad.

Soms trek die stad mens in, vat jou mee, met die stroom-af, of stroom-op. Soms verloor mens jou geld, jou werk, jou geleenthede, jou reputasie of selfs... jou kop.

Ons samelewing het in 'n mate een van toe deure, van veroordeling, van materialisme geword.

Ons is almal in een of ander manier skuldig.

Wanneer ons kyk na die gebeure in ons land, in ons woonbuurte, in ons huise en heel belangrikste in ons harte... moet ons soms net bietjie begin besef. Ons moet stilraak. Want ons dink ons luister, ons dink ons hoor, maar ons doen nie.

Dis 'n 50/50 situasie. Sien, Suid-Afrikaners het al baie gewys ... ons kan saamstaan, maar ook al die teenoorgestelde.

Kom ons gee mekaar bietjie "rope", kom ons verdra mekaar so bietjie meer, kom ons leef mekaar raak. Kom ons sien mekaar se seer en nood en "issues" raak. Kom ons vergeet partykeer van al ons "challenges" en kom ons raak net weer "basies" en "plat". Kom ons gaan nog 'n stappie verder... kom ons wees "genuine" lief vir mekaar. Al hou ons nie van mekaar se gewoontes nie, kom ons wees lief vir mekaar.

Ons het soveel om voor dankbaar te wees, want, in al die onsekerheid, het ons mekaar...

Kom ons onthou dit. Vandag. En ook die volgende dag, as ons deel is van hom.

Someone once said: "Be kind for everyone is fighting a great battle".

Maandag 10 Oktober 2016

God is nie Dood nie - Hy Lewe Verseker!

Ons het gister God's not Dead 2 uitgeneem op dvd.

Alhoewel die storielyn op baie dieselfde tipe materiaal as God's not Dead 1 gegrond is... kan mens een ding nie weggooi nie... dit herinner jou so vel aan die realiteit... wonderwerke is om ons.  God is groot, God is goed, God is altyd daar!

Die feit dat ateiste getuig hoe feite bestaan dat Jesus wel gelewe het (of jy nou in hom glo of nie), die feit dat hulle van ongelowig na gelowig verander het, deur 'n ingeligte besluit te maak dat God bestaan... dit is "wow"... en dan dink ek aan ons wat so gelukkig was om met God in ons lewe groot te word... ons is soms die wat die minste besef hoe groot God is!

Wanneer God iets groot in jou hart doen in jou slegte tye... moet Hom asseblief nie terug op die rak sit in jou goeie tye nie. Dit is 'n belangrike les... uit vele belangrike lesse in die rolprent.

Die beste gedeelte vir my was waar die hoofkarakter (Melissa Joan Harte speel die rol van Grace) in 'n stryd geworstel is oor waarom sy nou dat sy deur hierdie beproewing gaan... waar sy geoordeel word oor haar Christenskap... nie God se nabyheid ervaar nie. Soos wat sy Hom altyd ervaar het.... en dan kry sy goeie raad... As 'n onderwyser ... kommunikeer jy met jou kinders terwyl hul besig is met 'n toets? En, wat hierna gebeur is net 'n hoendervleis oomblik,., naas News Boys se pragtige "song" en die karakter se getuienis in die hof waar sy breekpunt bereik, is hierdie seker vir my die mooiste oomblik in die rolprent... (jy sal self moet kyk as jy wil sien waarvan ek praat).

In 'n wereld vol lelik, vol oordeel, vol seer staan ons nie altyd vir God nie, ons hoef nie God te verdedig nie, maar ons moet Hom wel Verteenwoordig!!!

Donderdag 06 Oktober 2016

Die belangrikste gebod ♡ Liefde ♡

In Mattheus 22 word die waarheid van God aan ons geopenbaar... as jy die hele Bybel per ongeluk sou mislees... en jy kan daai een vers raaklees en ter harte neem ... sal jy baie geseënd wees!

Jesus wys ons hier op God se Gebod ... Sy Opdrag... die grootste EEN en ook een met GELYKSTAANDE waarde...

Jy moet die Here liefhê met jou hele hart, siel en verstand... wow, né, kan jy dit ooit indink? Selfs as jy dit doen...het God jou nogsteeds méér lief as dit! Ek dink nie die menslike brein sal ooit die omvang... die kapasiteit van God se liefde kan verstaan nie!

Maar dan verras God ons nog meer... ja lees mooi wat staan daar... van gelykstaande waarde is die opdrag... jy moet jou naaste liefhê soos jy jouself liefhet. (Ek dink God het ñ goeie sin vir humor hier gehad... Hy het gewéét... al wys ons nie altyd ons liefde vir God nie... is ons as sondige mense BAIE lief vir ons self... en hier kom sê Jesus dit reguit...so lief soos wat ons, ons self het, so lief moet ons ander mense ook hê!

Doen ons dit?

24/7 oordeel ons... is ons jaloers... bitter... wil ons almal reghelp... bestuur... hulle verander... hulle lesse leer...

Lees mooi, dis nie wat God daar sê nie... Hy sê "liefhê"...

Dis al.

Soms... maak ons die lewe te moeilik. Soms, mis ons die hemel met 30 cm (soos ons dominee sou sê)... die afstand tussen jou hart en jou tong/jou denke.

Kom ons pos die oordeel "hel" toe. Kom ons los dit vir God. Dis Sy werk.

Kom ons doen ons werk. Kom ons wees lief vir God, ons self, en mekaar.

Woensdag 05 Oktober 2016

Download your free e-book "My two cents on earning an income"

A while back I created a e-book "My two cents on how to earn an income".. filled with many ideas...

Each person finds a different business that works for them.

I decided to share this e-book for free with my community of "Elke-sekonde-tel" blog readers.

You can download your own FREE copy of this e-book at the following link:


You are welcome to share your ideas with me to make this e-book even more great!

*** Happy reading***

Dinsdag 04 Oktober 2016

Just released in South Africa...... no more take-aways....

Looking for affordable restaurant quality meals in the comfort of your own home? Not sure how to prepare them yourself?

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Check it out:

Sondag 02 Oktober 2016

Die waarde van ñ Vrou

Sy was mooi... maar nie die tydskrif-model tipe mooi nie. Haar lippe was nie altyd rooi nie.

Soms was dit pienk, soms bruin, soms was dit droog, soms sopnat... maar wat ookal oor daai lippe gekom het... was mooi, stroopsoet en sag.

Haar liggaam se mates was nie perfek nie, maar die mates van haar hart was perfek afgemeet, genoeg vir elkeen, selfs meer.

En soms was sy sterk, hard... want dit was ook deel van haar... lesse wat geleer moes word.

Sy was uniek. Sy was jý. Sy was mamma. Of dogter. Of mejuffrou. Of mevrou. Of mevrou dokter. Of juffrou. Of suster. Of vriendin. Of meer as een van daai. Of dalk almal?

Maar... sy was vrou. Sy was mens. Sy was lief.

Dankie Heer ... vir vrouens, van elke kleur en geur, grootte en soort. Dankie vir vroue-harte wat omgee en mekaar dra.

Die blomme (of dit nou roos, jakaranda, sonneblom, lelie, kaktus-blom, daisy, petunia of veldblommetjie is) wat hierdie werêld ñ kleurvolle, geurige, vrolike plek maak.

Geniet jul Oktober, dames.

Onthou... jy is waardevol. Jy is jý.

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