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Dinsdag 31 Mei 2016

Are your kids best friends?

Hello Tersia,

I am the oldest of 3 kids and I always seemed to be the peacemaker between the younger two. I realize now that it's because I don't really like confrontation. I much prefer everyone to be happy and enjoying themselves.

I remember my parents saying "Your sister and brother will be your best friends for ever." I can't say I believed it at the time, but now I do.

Though I live countries away from them, I communicate regularly and my sister and I talk at least weekly on the phone.
Now I am the one telling my kids "Your sister and brother will be your best friends for ever."
Somedays though it's even hard for me to believe.
Our 5 kids spread over a span of 8 years. They're pretty close in age, sometimes too close for comfort.
Hero and I had been praying and searching for ways to teach them to speak with kindness and to show love in words and actions to their siblings. We didn't want their childish fights to become life-long scars in their relationships.

And then we found My Brother's Keeper by Kim Sorgius

Sibling Bible Study

Kim is a single homeschool mom of 4 elementary aged kids who was having the same issues we were.

She wrote My Brother's Keeper as a family Bible study that takes you through God's plan for families, relationships and studies other sibling relationships in the Bible.

It has been so great to see the light come on in our kids eyes as we discuss what we're learning. And to hear them stop short and reconsider their words when they're frustrated or upset with one another.

The youth version is great for older kids and teens to work independently but it can also be used in conjunction with the junior version as a family Bible study. There are printable worksheets and discussion questions to help you drive home the Truths from God's Word. I really can't recommend it enough.

You can read my full review of it here: http://paradisepraises.com/help-siblings-get-along/

If you have kids at home and would like to get this study, or if you'd like to gift it to a family you know, you can get it at Not Consumed.

Many blessings!

Maandag 30 Mei 2016

Pret manier om vir jou kinders te bid {Fun way to pray for your kids}

See attached prayer cards...

Download the rest of the alphabet here:


Print them and keep them close...


My grootste fout... doen jý dit ook?

Ek is nog altyd ñ vreeslike positiewe mens. Ek sal aanhou soek vir ñ manier, al kan ons geen manier sien nie. Ek sal aanhou probeer, no matter what. Ek sal rol in die stof tot ek weer die teerpad kry na my bestemming toe.

Maar, wat het al verkeerd gegaan?

Jy sien in die Bybel (sien spesifiek Jakobus 3 en Spreuke) word daar gepraat oor die krag van die tong.

Die Bybel beskryf die tong as ñ wapen. Dis ñ baie sterk woord. So, ek glo meeste mense is redelik versigtig met wat hul vir ander sê. Maar is ons werklik? En, wat jy vir jouself sê?

Dít was my grootste fout... alhoewel ek so positief geglo het, het ek twyfel-woorde gespreek.

"Net realisties... gaan nie werk nie want" "alweer gebreek" "die ouens weet nie wat hul doen nie"... en so gaan die lysie aan!

Moenie in jou eie pad staan nie. Hou jou woorde en jou gedagtes in lyn met mekaar. En hou dit positief. God sal die probleme, die twyfel uitsorteer. Gee dit vir Hom. Ja, wees realisties, maar weerhou jou van negatiewe uitspraak.

Weet jy, eendag is eendag en dan begin jou brein jou glo. Want, weet jy, jou brein is vreeslik slim en word deur jou "opgelei".

Affekteer jou negatiewe uitsprake ook die mense om jou? Natuurlik! Mense is beïnvloedbaar, of hul dit nou besef of nie.

Moenie dieselfde fout as ek maak nie♡


Is ons Okay?

Is ons Okay?

Dis dalk ñ vraag wat die laaste tyd op baie mense se gedagtes was. Ek kan nie regtig my storie vertel nie,want ñ storie het ñ einde, en my lewe is ewig sonder einde, die aardse episodes ia wel net ñ tydelike gedeelte. Ek kan nie ñ gelukkige einde gee en jul beïndruk nie ~ ek kan wel waarborg dat daar geen einde sal wees nie en dat ek gelukkig by God sal wees.

Mens het ñ visie vir jou lewe.

Lawwekoppies soos ek het so 80 visies vir ons lewe... dit maak dit nog meer uitdagend.

Daai vraag wat jy voor Graad 1 kry... wat wil jy eendag word?

Dan skryf iemand {juffrou} of {brandweerman} of {dokter} en daar gaan hulle... uitgesorteer.

Dan kom hul by iemand soos ek, ja die einste lawwekoppie... dan kry ek kans om te skryf...groot fout...

{Ma, dromer, skrywer, fotograaf, besigheidsvrou, joernalis, advokaat, finansiele bestuurder, publieke spreker, ontwerper, reisiger, aktrise, bemarker, taalkundige, juffrou, sielkundige... and the list goes on soos in engels sou sê}.

Ek wens ek was ñ makliker mens, ñ een sinnetjie mens. Dis ñ goeie mens om te wees. Maar, ongelukkig is ek nie.

Nie te min, ek het gewerk en terwyl ek gewerk het, studeer. Ek het ñ heerlike tyd gehad, waarmee ookal ek gewerk het, omdat ek lief is vir ñ uitdaging. Dalk so bietjie werkverslaaf. En voor ek my oë kon uitvee, was ek daar... ñ werk wat my intellektuel baie uitgedaag het daagliks, studies, ñ man en twee kinders, ñ opkomende fotografie besigheid, die opbou van sosiale media netwerke en deeltydse admin werk. Ek het nooit geslaap nie, my oë se regte kleur was rooi, en baie min gelewe.

Elkgeval, my fokus was nog altyd op my omdat my loopbaan definitief vir my Belangrik was. Te veel ambisie is ook Sonde! En ek het begin verdrink onder al die "to-do's" wat ek vir myself uitgepak het. Sien, ek wou maar nog net altyd mense help... ek het geglo dit was my roeping. Ek het nooit geweet hoe om nee te sê nie, hoe om te stop nie. Tot God my tot stilstand geroep het.

Ek was nog altyd lief vir God maar ek het gevoel die kommunikasie-lyn is ietwat toe... een aand in die kerk het ek dit ook aangepak... die lyne was nooit toe nie, my ore was!

Die waarheid maak soms seer. Ek het gevra vir ñ antwoord/ñ teken. Ek sal daai oomblik nooit vergeet nie. En die boodskap was duidelik. Stop. Staan terug. Maak opofferings. Ondersteun jou man. Niks anders nie. Ek moes leer "stop".

My man se paadjie is ñ storie op sy eie, maar, vir hom is ek baie lief en hy is ñ harde, lojale werker.

Ons het voor ñ baie slegte kruispad gekom.  Soveel deure het vir hom toegegaan, maar ons het aanhou probeer, aanhou glo.

En toe kom Namibië .

En met alle lyne nou oop was God se boodskap weer duidelik...

Daarom, is ek en die kinders toe ook woestyn/land van melk en heuning toe... maar daar was ook ñ waarskuwing... oor gehoorsaamheid. Soms hou ons, ons doof. Soms wil ons te gemaklik wees, te veel twyfel, te min opgee.

Dit klink so maklik. Net 1 800 km verder... maar, wetgewing tussen verskillende lande maak die lewe nogal moeilik, iemand wat die pad al gestap het sal weet.

Ek het volstoom afgestorm op 2016 ... die jaar wat alles sou regloop...! En toe, gebeur dit... ek sit sonder werk en het nie die vaardighede wat ñ werkpermit tans regverdig nie. Ons finansies is geknou deur dinge wat skeef geloop het, trek wat nie ooe grens mag kom, sit maande sonder ons meubels en sonder ons mense... en die ergste van dit alles... ek verloor my Pa. En ek is magteloos. Ek was nog nooit so swak nie.

Nou wil ek graag die ander kant ook stel.

Vir die eerste keer in my lewe, staan ek terug. En weet jy wat, ek hoef regtig nie een dag te betwyfel nie. Want, God is in beheer en Hy sorg. Ek moet net elke dag fokus om gehoorsaam te bly. En ek besef dit. Ek is meer gedissiplineerd. Ek weet elke oomblik hoe afhanklik ek is van God. Net God. Ek het oogehou om oppervlakkig te bid (steeds elke dag ñ uitdaging). Ek het my Pa verloor, maar hy het sy Ewige Lewe saam God gekry... hoe gelukkig is hy natuurlik daarmee! Ek het ñ "bonusjaar" gekry... tyd saam met my kinders wat ek nog nooit in my lewe gehad het nie. In plaas van ñ Nanny, is ek nou Mammie-McPhee. Ek kon weer begin skryf, en die Elke-Sekonde-Tel blog begin. Ek waardeer soveel dinge, soveel mense soveel meer. Klein dingetjies maak weer ñ verskil. En, God bly mense op my pad stuur. Ek is nou, nét Tersia.

Nee, ek weet nie wat gaan volgende gebeur nie. Ek weet nie hoe ek dit gaan trotseer nie.

Maar, is ons Okay?

Ja, ons is. Ons is méér as Okay. Ons is Geseënd. Elke oomblik. God se Genade is groter as ons foute, ons twyfel, ons moegheid, ons seer.

Ek sal nooit Hoop verloor nie. Bid saam my, dat ek sal fokus op die Hoop wat deur Jesus se Lewe vir ons Beskikbaar gemaak is.

Tot volgende keer



Donderdag 26 Mei 2016

Pray for Her {31 Days} ~ Bid vir Haar {31 Dae}

No easy challenge... but, I know you men are up to it!

Pray for her... from head to toes!

Attached, is the prayer challenges for 31 days. Both, in English and Afrikaans (sorry, a direct translation).

Don't delay, start today.


English Free PDF:


Afrikaans Gratis PDF:


Laaste een vir die manne... voor die 31 day challenge

Hallo Manne

Ek vra gister vir my man grapsgewys of hy my blog lees (ek weet hy doen nie)...

Ek se vir hom die huidige gesprek is oor manne wat vir hul vroue bid.

Hy antwoord hy bid elke dag vir my (ek weet hy doen). Ek vra toe, heel geinteresseerd, vir hom - spesifiek waarvoor bid hy nogal vir my... Sy antwoord: dat ek hom elke dag meer soene, drukke, aandag en liefde moet gee... Nou ja, heel grappige antwoord... maar ons almal weet daar steek groot waarheid hierin...

Ten spyte van al die lewe se druk en uitdagings... is dit nie maar al wat elke man wil he nie?

Ek sluit hierdie week se gesprek af met die volgende... jy mag maar... jy mag maar bid vir jou vrou se liefde... vir meer drukke, meer soene, meer rug krap... wat ookal dit is wat jy as liefde ervaar.

Wat ookal jy nodig het.

Manne het tog baie liefde nodig, selfs meer as rugby of 'n lekker braai :-)

Ek laat jul hiermee.

{Hoop jul aanvaar, en geniet die 31 dae gebedsuitdaging... bid vir jul vroue, ons het dit nodig}


Woensdag 25 Mei 2016

Manne... aan die Wenkant? Saam?

Hallo Manne

Soos jul weet, is vandag se 'posts' die laaste voor ek jul "31 dae gebed challenge gee"... ons is mos hier om vir die vroue te bid.

Vandag wil ek graag fokus op ñ belangrike hulpbron... die belangrikste een... God se Woord.

Ons kyk vandag spesifiek na "Die Stiltetyd Bybel vir Mans", geskryf deur Stephan Joubert. Self ñ indrukwekkende man... professor en redakteur/stigter van die e-kerk
http://www.ekerk.org en lees ook hierdie indrukwekkende onderhoud met hom:

Nie te min, die artikel gaan oor die bogenoemde Bybel (CUM-Uitgewers).

Joubert meld hierin dat hierdie Bybel saamgestel is vir die man van vandag ~ vir persoonlike stiltetyd asook bybelstudie in groepe...

Het jy al ñ bybelstudie groep saam kollegas of sportsvriende of dalk manne in jou familie? Dis iets wat ek weet my man baie mis van Suid-Afrika en sal geniet om weer deel te wees van.

Daar word genoem in die inleiding dat indien jy soos baie mans vandag ñ vol/somtyds oorvol lewe lei...en daar baie dinge is wat aanspraak op jou energie en tyd maak jy sal weet dat dit nie maklik is om ñ man te wees nie. Hy deel baie reguit waarhede oor die Nuwe Testament, wat ek glo baie manne, of dalk jý, sal waardeer.

Die Bybel word afgesluit met ñ gedeelte genaamd "Die Wenkant"... dis regtig iets wat jy self moet gaan lees, maar hy noem hier iets wat baie treffend is, en ook die gedagte waarmee ek julle wil laat:

"Jy moet elke dag gereed wees, want God se stad is aan die kom. Jy moet saam met ander Christene vir Christus uitnooi om gou na ons toe te kom. Wink ander dorstiges en sondaars om langs jou te kom staan en hulle oë op te hef na Christus toe. Laat hulle betyds van Sy lewende water drink sodat hulle feesklere kan aanhê wanneer Hy sy opwagting maak.

Die Koning van alle konings is op pad na ons toe. Dit is sy laaste woorde aan ons in die laaste geskrif in die Nuwe Testament. Glo dit. Sê "amen" hierop met jou hele lewe."

... tyd dat jý daardie bybelstudie manne-groep begin?

Geseënde Dag

NS. Die bybel is ook Internasionaal in Engels beskikbaar op Amazon:


♡ Beste Manne... Spesiaal vir Julle ♡

30% Discount Today Only

♡25 May

Today is "Spree Day"!

Hurry... for 20-30% discount on your orders!

Go check it out...


Courageous Dads

In COURAGEOUS, we meet four law enforcement officers who are confident and focused on the job, standing up to the worst the streets have to offer. Yet at the end of the day, they face a challenge that none of them are truly prepared to tackle: fatherhood.

No one wants to settle for being a good-enough father. But we all could use a little encouragement as we strive to become Godly fathers. From videos about the importance of being a dad to audio clips of well-known people sharing life lessons learned from their dads, there's plenty here to inspire you.

There are also great tools to help you and your family at CourageousResources.com.

» Visit CourageousResources.com

I have read the book and watched the Movie. Very inspirational. The Book helped me a lot after my father passed away today 3 months ago.

Museum of the Bible opening 2017

Museum of the Bible opening in Washington DC in 2017!

About the Museum of the Bible:

The Museum of the Bible promises to be an unparalleled experience. The 430,000-square-foot, eight floor Museum of the Bible that sits just two blocks from the National Mall and just three blocks from the nation’s Capitol will provide guests with an immersive and personalized experience as they explore the history, narrative, and impact of the Bible. Using cutting-edge technology to bring the Bible to life, the museum will span time, space, and cultures, inviting everyone to engage with the Bible. With three permanent sections and space for temporary exhibits, there will always be something new to explore. 

You are invited to join with people from all over the world to help the Museum of the Bible become a reality. Your support of the museum today will allow people from all faiths and backgrounds to celebrate and discover the Bible! Join the One Million Names campaign now and honor the Bible. With your generous gift of any amount, Museum of the Bible will permanently display your name inside the Museum of the Bible to honor your action. Be Counted. Be Heard. Be Amazed.


I donated $3 via my PayPal Business Account Balance, but you can also donate via Credit Card/Master/Visa Card.


Dinsdag 24 Mei 2016

Fathersday Ideas #doityourself #handmade

Here it is:

Some self-made fathers' day ideas.

{Fathers' day: Sunday 19 June 2016}

♡Have fun♡

Fathersday Ideas #storebought #bestideasever

Products compliments of Mantality:


From shaving cream with a new look and feel, to knuckle duster mugs, ninja coffee cups, flight simulator flights, batman sleeping robes... unto Starwars Boerewors braai sets... who ever said Father's day should be ordinary?

No, with Mantality... no product is ever ordinary!

Check these out:

♡Smart Men wear Smart Watches♡:

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♡Handpresso portable instant espresso♡

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Important reminder...

What is a Good Wife?

When you are praying for yourself - your husband's wife— remember this model of a good wife from the Bible. 
It says she takes care of her home and runs it well. She knows how to buy and sell and make wise investments. She keeps herself healthy and strong and dresses attractively. She works diligently and has skills which are marketable. She is giving and conscientiously prepares for the future. She contributes to her husband’s good reputation. She is strong, solid, honorable, and not afraid of growing older. She speaks wisely and kindly. She doesn’t sit around doing nothing, but carefully watches what goes on in her home. Her children and her husband praise her. She doesn’t rely on charm and beauty but knows that the fear of the Lord is what is most attractive. She supports her husband and still has a fruitful life of her own which speaks loudly for itself (Proverbs 31).

This is an amazing woman, the kind of woman we can become only through God’s enablement and our own surrendering. The bottom line is that she is a woman whose husband trusts her because “she does him good and not evil all the days of her life.” I believe the most important “good” a wife can do for her husband is pray. Shall we?
Excerpt taken from page 39 of THE POWER OF A PRAYING WIFE 
(Stormie Omartian) http://amzn.to/27Rkr57

Are you Praying? And, for your Wife?

Are you a man? A husband? And also a believer?

Do you often pray for your wife? Do you pray for your wife enough?

Have you drove yourself down to the nearest book store or made an order on Amazon yet? Because, this book, will change how you view prayer.... and your relationship with your wife.

Stormie Ormaritan has helped many wifes with her broken story, and how God is healing her daily ... back together again. She has also helped many men with this book.

But, do enough men know about this book?


Please have a look.

Some extracts from this very powerful prayer book:

“You may be asking yourself at this very moment, Why isn’t Stormie’s husband writing this book? The answer is simple. He’s just like you. He is a busy man, with places to go, people to see, work to do, a family to support, food to eat, a life to live, golf to play, ball games to watch, channels to flip, and a chronic lack of patience when it comes to writing. It’s not that he doesn’t pray.” 

“No woman wants to be a complainer, but in her attempt to make life good for her husband, her children, herself, and others, she often sees things that are wrong and tries to change them with her words. If you ever find your wife saying the same thing over and over to you out of the frustration of her heart, pray with her about it.” 

“No woman wants to be a complainer, but in her attempt to make life good for her husband, her children, herself, and others, she often sees things that are wrong and tries to change them with her words. If you ever find your wife saying the same thing over and over to you out of the frustration of her heart, pray with her about it.” 
“The Bible says, “Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered” (1 Peter 3:7).” 

Order your book here (international orders welcome) on Amazon:

Also join this specific Facebook Page for Support:

Next Post: A few other Organisations supporting Men in their Spirituality.... {yes, there are many!} ... and you can make a difference as a man, a father, a husband, a brother, a son.... God created you with Purpose!

Another pray example for the men:


Ons kan bid vir 'n vrou, maar wat presies soek 'n vrou? Wat kort 'n vrou se hart?

Dink daaroor. Mans en Vrouens... comment gerus hieronder.

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