Elke oomblik is deel van iets wat jy nooit weer terug sal kry nie.
Vrydag 29 April 2016
{Today Only} ... Get awesome discount of 20% on Hunter Boots
Normal price is R2 200... with the discount you could get about R440 discount!
@R1 760
{Today Only}
Is jou ma vér? Bestel vir haar blomme♡
Moedersdag is om die draai...
Interflora het pragtige blomme ruikers en hampers spesiaal vir moedersdag.
En raai wat? Blomme aflewering doen hul vir jou ma - wereldwyd!
Hulle lewer af in meer as 140 lande wêreldwyd. Met meer as 40 000 bloemiste....
Bestel gerus jou ma se blomme hier:
Interflora doen ook hampers vir korporatiewe reklame asook gourmet hampers.
Gaan loer gerus
♡ Baie dankie aan my lesers ♡
My blog...
Behalwe vir die feit dat skryf my baie kalmeer, is dit ook ñ kanaal waar deur ek ander mense kan bereik en bemoedig as die lewe druk. En my ervarings kan deel - dalk beteken dit iets vir iemand, dalk laat ek net iemand bietjie lag...
Maar, dis ook ñ besigheid. Jy sien, in ñ land waar ek die "alien" is; en die Wet my nie tans toelaat om te werk nie... omdat ek nie ñ dokter of ñ engineer of ñ ouditeur of ñ aktuaris is nie ... is dit al wat ek oor het van my loopbaan.
Ek kon seker een van die bogenoemde geword het (en julle is almal regtig awesome)... maar dit was nog nooit my droom nie. Ek wou ñ kommunikeerder wees... die positiewe potlood in die skrywer se pakkie.
So, ek is vandag trots om te sê dat
{Elke-sekonde-tel} al op {1 357} page views staan vir April 2016!
Dit is seker nie so baie soos ander gevestigde blogs nie, maar vir my eerste offisiële maand is dit uitstekend! God sien my hart, Hy sien my droom, Hy gee my ook die geleentheid om tyd saam my kinders te spandeer... ek glo met Rede.
Baie, baie dankie vir elkeen van julle wat elke dag my "voete" is. Saam lees, saam bid, op jul tande byt as ek te veel "post" ... maar nogmaals my ondersteun. Ek is diep dankbaar in my hart vir elkeen van julle.
Lief vir julle
♡ TG♡
Donderdag 28 April 2016
I received this letter today...wow!
Hello Tersia,
Wow, it was finally the 20th, ministry payday. I smiled as I gathered things together for lunch. We’d have rice and beans again and then maybe tomorrow, after our deposit went through, we’d buy some chicken or bacon and live it up a little. Thankfully the kids liked rice.
I reached over to turn on the gas for the stove. It clicked, and clicked, and clicked… but never ignited. I didn’t even smell gas. Odd, I thought. I turned it off, then turned it on and tried again. Still no flame. I wondered how long it had been since we’d had our LP tank re-filled. Could it be we were out of gas? I called my husband in from the office, and upon investigation, he confirmed that yes, we were out of gas. He put in a call to the gas company, but it would be tomorrow or the next day before they could come by to fill our tank.
In that moment, I had a choice. I was really tempted to pitch a fit and expound very loudly about the injustices of having to wait so long for service. I could have complained to everyone about how low our support was and how hard it was to be creative with our menu already, and now this.... Or how not only was our budget already stretched to the limit, but now we’d be eating only cold meals (beans and tortillas anyone?) for two days as well …
Or, I could be thankful that we had cold food options and enough money left to make a plan B for lunch today. I could be thankful that the Lord graciously allowed the gas to run out on payday instead of 2 weeks before, a miracle really, considering how long it had been since the last re-fill. I could choose to grovel in a poverty mentality, or choose to see the Lord’s hand providing for us again today, as he so faithfully does EVERY day.
I don’t know your work or economic situation at the moment, Tersia. Perhaps you also live by ministry donations, as we did at the time. Perhaps you are barely making it from paycheck to paycheck. Perhaps you are in between jobs or waiting for someone to pay something owed to you. Maybe you’re a one income family stretching everything as far as possible to afford to stay home and homeschool your kids. Or maybe you have a great job and a large savings account built up and don’t ever have days that seem as scarce as these any more.
But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians. 4:19 (KJV)
And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19 (NIV)
Whatever the state of your finances is today, I want to challenge you to see them from the perspective of God’s faithful provision and praise him for it. Don’t see the glass half empty, see it half full. In fact, did you realize that even a glass that appears half empty is actually completely full? Science tell us that while half of it is filled with liquid that we see, the other half is filled with air that we cannot see.
God’s faithfulness and provision often takes the form of the unseen. It is there, he is working to provide your need, even when you don’t see it.
What is the poverty “thing” you’ve been complaining about, either in your heart or with your words, that you could be praising about instead? Won’t you join me today in setting the tone of happiness in your home by praising the Lord for his faithfulness and provision for you and your family, and watching expectantly for it?
Praising Him with you,
{Nou ja, daarmee declare ek dan "provision" en ek dank U, Heer, daarvoor. Amen}
Gebed strategie #dag5
Soos jul elkeen weet deel ek graag gedeeltes van my strategie met julle. Vir Gebed.
☆ Ek leer self nog ☆
Om te bid is ñ Groot taak. Maar, nie noodwendig altyd ñ moeilike een nie.
{Dankbaarheid #1}
☆ Watter vertrek is jou vertrek waar jy die meeste bid? ☆
My plek vir gebed is my hele huis en sommer my kar ook en my dagboek ... maar dit alles kom saam... hier op my "online huis" my blog...
Vandag, het ek egter iets anders op die Hart...
Ek het ñ behoefte in my Hart om vir ander te bid. God het my so geseën met omgee-mense in my lewe. Toe ek my pa verloor, het ek gedink ek is nou alleen in die wêreld... dit is juis toe dat God my anders wys... soveel blessings. Soveel liefde.
♡♡ ♡♡
Daarom, vandag, vra ek... sit asseblief jou gebedsversoek by die "comments" of e-pos dit na tersiagouws05@gmail.com
Ek wil graag bid vir jou of enige iemand anders waarvoor jy gebed nodig het. Dit kan anoniem ook wees. Laat weet my asseblief net waarvoor gebed benodig word.
Goudgeel in die Donker #2
Die wiel draai in die rondte
Die lewe om en om...
Nuwe dae
Nuwe mense
Ons almal stukkend en krom...
God maak ons heel
Deur Genade gered
God maak ons heel
In elke tree, in volle tred.
Woensdag 27 April 2016
♡ God has a Strategic Plan ♡
Ek deel graag hierdie Engelse artikel.
Kopiereg: Crosswalk.com
Prayer is the Strategy of Heaven
Written by Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise 201225 Jun
“Intercession is standing before the court of heaven and pleading a case or cause before an Holy awesome God. There are things that deeply touch the righteous Heart of the Father and above all, He is jealous of His glory…” Michael Howard
Our God is a mighty warrior. He is a God who has a strategic plan. You and I can take part in this strategic plan.
I doubt if very many of us wake up in the morning and enter the day realizing that we are at war and that strategy is of utmost importance. The truth is that prayer is the greatest strategy in the world. Prayer is the strategy of heaven. As we use this mighty weapon, God then gives us His strategy for life on earth.
The majority of the Church worldwide has not, yet, awakened to this strategic weapon of prayer and intercession. If we did, we would be using it daily, and our prayer meetings would be packed to overflowing. I envision the day coming when we will begin to realize more and more that nothing happens without prayer.
Often in the natural we look to man-made methods and schemes to get the job done. We think big money and promotion will reach the world. We try harder with our human ingenuity. That will never work, at least not long-term. Prayer and intercession will prepare the way for the harvest. We must choose to use heaven’s strategy rather than man’s human devices. We must set our minds above and learn to intercede. We read inColossians 3:1-2:
“Since, then you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”
It is in prayer that God gives us heavenly strategy to do the work on earth that will touch the world. I have seen this over and over again. In intercession God gives us the greatest plan. In the quiet place God opens to us His greatest secrets. Everything that will make a difference has to have the touch of the supernatural. God does the work through us, and He gives us His plan in prayer. The days we are living in are evil, and nothing but intense intercession will bring in the harvest.
A woman came to a missionary in India asking him to prevent a certain Christian from praying for her anymore. She was asked how she knew that Christian was praying for her. She replied: “I used to perform my worship to the idols quite easily before and now I can’t. He told me he was praying for me and my family, and now my son and daughter have become Christians. If he continues to pray, I may become a Christian as well! Things happen when he prays. Somebody must make him stop!”
This Christian knew that prayer was the strategy of heaven and so did the idol worshipper who did not want to experience the power of prayer! God wants us to go deeper in strategic prayer. These are days of opportunity, and God is raising-up intercessors to touch people’s lives in every nation. Never underestimate the true potential of prayer. Ephesians 5:15-16 says:
“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.”
Never fail to realize that an hour in prayer can make a huge difference in the strategic outcome of your day and in the lives of others. But how do we touch this heavenly strategy?
Ways to Touch Heaven's Strategy of Power
I find in my life personally that a faster way to enter into the throne room of God is through worship, praying the Word of God, and fasting. This brings me quickly into heaven’s perspective. These are three secrets to a deeper prayer life. This is what we practice regularly at the International House of Prayer here in Kansas City. You and I have every spiritual blessing in Christ. Ephesians 1:3 says:
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.”
We touch heaven through our praise, through praying the Word, and when we deny ourselves through fasting. We are then able to concentrate more fully on God’s heart. Let’s look at these three ways along with quotes from Michael Howard, a mighty intercessor, in his book called Proven Arrows of Intercession:
Worship and Praise. Worship, praise and thanksgiving should be incorporated into your life as much as possible. When you are down or discouraged, try the medicine of praise and thanksgiving. It is a good medicine because it puts your attention back upon the greatness and the glory of God. Praise is a powerful weapon of war.
“We can never underestimate praise as one of the greatest and most powerful weapons of war which the Lord has placed in our hands. And, when praise becomes high praise, it commands the unlimited resources of heaven because it gives absolute glory to the Lord. In a way which is beyond our understanding, deliverance and redemption are wrought through praise with great power for such conclusively speak of the supreme victory of Jesus.”Pray the Word of God. If you want to grow in your prayer life, start praying the Bible. God loves us to pray His Word and use the sword of the Spirit in intercession for the lost. It keeps us on-target, and we begin to think the very thoughts of God.
“The promises and blessings of God’s Word are conditional. What God has done before, He will do again under the same climate and by the same standards. It is for this reason that intercession must be solidly built upon and directed by the Word. This means that the intercessor must know and quote the Word. This is not so the devil can hear but because a case must be made before the Lord… God is committed to His Word and the fulfilling of it.”Fast and Pray. Fasting is a key to a powerful prayer life. Fasting together with prayer will help you to tap into heaven’s riches and strategy in a way nothing else can. It quiets your outer man so that your inner man can hear the heartbeat of heaven.
“Jesus was always ‘prayed and fasted up’ while the disciples were not. This is why He always had authority in any situation. It is too late in the crisis to ‘get fasted and prayed up,’ so to speak… The benefits, blessings and powers of fasting are clearly revealed in the Word. Firstly, fasting brings the flesh into submission in all areas and herein lies the secret of the power… Fasting is a total denial of self that is mandatory if one is to be a true disciple of Jesus (Mt. 16:24). Thirdly, there is a mysterious relationship between fasting and the power of heaven intervening on our behalf.”
Is it always easy to go heaven’s way? No, we are so often tempted by earth’s attraction. We are tempted by quick results and man-made schemes, by things that look so good. We are attracted by fleshly fame and fortune. But in reality prayer is what really will get the job done. Prayer and intercession will bring glory to the King and touch earth with heaven’s riches. Prayer is the strategy of heaven. Prayer is the work, the strategic work, of the Kingdom. Prayer will prepare the way for the King.
Never forget this truth, because your enemy will tempt you in every way possible to get the job done through human resources. He will promise you a quick, painless way to get results. But, the quickest way is go straight to the King in prayer. And He will reveal to you a strategy of life that will release His greatest glory through you here on earth. Why is this true? It is because you will be living and doing exactly what you were made for.
And I promise you that this is a joyful and fulfilling way to live.
Please pray for the last week of our month of ministry in Spain. We are excited to report that in our travels in several cities that many have a desire to start a House of Prayer. We have prayed in several locations where a House of Prayer is beginning. Young people everywhere are eager to pray as well as church leaders and pastors. We are absolutely amazed at how prayer is spreading all over this nation and around the world. We just arrived in the nation of Gibraltar and will be praying with many here this week. We anticipate Houses of Prayer all throughout Spain as well as one here in Gibraltar.
“God puts no limitations on His ability to save through true praying. No hopeless conditions, no accumulation of difficulties, no desperation in distance or circumstances can hinder the success of real prayer. The possibilities of prayer are linked to the infinite rectitude and to the omnipotent power of God. There is nothing too hard for God to do. God is pledged if we ask, we shall receive God can withhold nothing from faith and prayer.” E. M. Bounds
Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International
International House of Prayer KC Staff
Goudgeel in die Donker #1
Ek deurkruis my gedagtes
Maar die woorde kom nie deur
Jare vasgevang in my Siel
die tyd het soveel verlore laat raak
Waarom gaan soek ñ mens eintlik jouself; kyk diep binne jou... alles is reeds daar.
Soveel om te gee, tyd is nie aan jou kant...
Droomverlore, in Niemandsland.
Dinsdag 26 April 2016
♡ Totsiens Plooie, Slap Velle en ook Puisies♡
Hoe om koeksoda en klapperolie as 'n diep reiniger op jou gesig te gebruik...
♡ Resep♡
2 teelepels organiese ekstra-virgin klapperolie
1 teelepel aluminium-vrye koeksoda
Meng al die bestanddele in 'n klein bakkie, maak net een behandeling op 'n slag. Maak seker dit vorm 'n pasta en wend liggies aan waar van toepassing op jou vel... in 'n sirkelbeweging. Los op jou gesig vir nie meer as 5 minute. Spoel met warm water, masseer jou vel weer in 'n sirkelbeweging.
Maak gesig droog met 'n skoon handdoek. Die klapperolie moet jou vel hidreer, sodat jy nie nodig het om op te volg met 'n bevogtiger nie.
Kyk gerus of die resep vir jóu werk!
Maandag 25 April 2016
Gebedstrategie #dag4
Ek het ñ paar "topics" vir gebed op die hart. Maar, wat ek eintlik vandag wil sê... het jy iets wat pla... maar jy voel dalk jy wil nie God daarmee pla nie want dit is so "klein"...?!
Nee, man, jy maak ñ fout. God wil juis so ñ hegte, oop verhouding met jou hê.
God praat met ons deur Paulus se getuienis in Fillipense 4:
" Daarom, my broers, moet julle vas staan en getrou bly aan die Here. Ek het julle baie lief en verlang na julle. Julle is my blydskap en my kroon.
Ek vermaan vir Euodia en ek vermaan vir Sintige om eensgesind te wees in die Here.
Ja, ek vra jou ook, getroue medewerker, wees hierdie vroue behulpsaam. Hulle het saam met my die stryd gevoer in diens van die evangelie, net soos Klemens ook en my ander medewerkers, wie se name in die boek van die lewe staan.
Wees altyd bly in die Here! Ek herhaal: Wees bly!
Wees inskiklik teenoor alle mense. Die Here is naby.
Moet oor niks besorg wees nie, maar maak in alles julle begeertes deur gebed en smeking en met danksegging aan God bekend.
En die vrede van God wat alle verstand te bowe gaan, sal oor julle harte en gedagtes die wag hou in Christus Jesus.
Verder, broers, alles wat waar is, alles wat edel is, alles wat reg is, alles wat rein is, alles wat mooi is, alles wat prysenswaardig is – watter deug of lofwaardige saak daar ook mag wees – daarop moet julle julle gedagtes rig.
En wat julle van my geleer en ontvang het, en gehoor en gesien het, dit moet julle doen. En God wat vrede gee, sal by julle wees.
Ek was baie bly in die Here dat julle na so 'n lang tyd weer gewys het dat julle nog aan my dink. Nie dat julle my ooit vergeet het nie, julle het net nie die kans gehad om iets te doen nie.
Ek sê dit nie omdat ek gebrek ly nie, want ek het geleer om my in alle omstandighede te behelp.
Ek weet wat armoede is en ek weet wat oorvloed is; van alles het ek ondervinding: om genoeg te hê om te eet sowel as om honger te ly, om oorvloed te hê sowel as om gebrek te ly.
Ek is tot alles in staat deur Hom wat my krag gee.
Nietemin het julle goed gedoen deur my in my moeilike omstandighede by te staan.
Julle in Filippi weet ook dat in die begin van my evangelieprediking, na my vertrek uit Masedonië, geen enkele gemeente behalwe julle 'n aandeel gehad het aan my rekening van inkomste en uitgawe nie.
Ook toe ek in Tessalonika was, het julle meer as een maal iets vir my behoeftes gestuur.
Dit gaan vir my egter nie om die gawe nie, maar om die vrug daarvan: daardeur word julle self ryker.
Maar ek het alles ontvang en ek het meer as genoeg. Noudat ek van Epafroditos ontvang het wat julle gestuur het, het ek alles wat ek nodig het. Julle gawe is voor God 'n offer met lieflike geur, vir Hom aanneemlik en welgevallig.
En my God sal in elke behoefte van julle ryklik voorsien volgens sy wonderbaarlike rykdom in Christus Jesus.
Aan ons God en Vader behoort die heerlikheid tot in alle ewigheid! Amen.
Groete aan almal wat aan God behoort deur Christus Jesus. Die broers hier by my stuur vir julle groete.
Ook al die gelowiges en veral dié wat aan die huis van die keiser verbonde is, stuur vir julle groete.
Die genade van die Here Jesus Christus sal by julle wees.
Deur God se Groot genade kan en moet ons vir enige iets en alles bid!
Bid vir ñ hart v klip om vlees te word
Bid vir gesondheid
Bid vir jou finansies - elke liewe probleem
Bid vir jou baas of jou man se baas
Bid vir jou kinders se maats en hul ouers
Bid vir die regering, vir onderwysers, polisie, brandweer, verpleesters, dokters
Bid vir daai "snob" wat jou skaars wil groet
Bid vir iemand wat jou seergemaak het
Bid vir jou eie oogklappe om af te kom, jou eie hart en vir jou eie seer....
Ja, man... bid sommer oor alles vandag!
Wanneer? Staan 15 min vroeër op... in die bad... hard in die kar... in die badkamer... etenstyd... as jy ñ "smoke break" vat. Reël ñ bid tyd saam kollegas... daagliks!
Ja, man ...
{TG} ♡☆
Sondag 24 April 2016
Prince performs alongside Jimmy Fallon, Chris Rock in previously unreleased footage
Article by ADARIO STRANGE on Mashable.com
Tales of Prince showing up at private, VIP after parties and rocking out are a huge part of entertainment industry lore. But we don't usually get to see those performances, until now.
Veteran Saturday Night Live cast member Tim Kazurinsky, who was at the SNL 40th anniversaryafter-party, just released mobile phone video he recorded of Prince performing "Let's Go Crazy" at the star-packed, private event last year.
In addition to the amazing performance, what's also notable is who Prince allows onstage to perform and watch him as he plays for the exclusive crowd. The names are among the biggest in entertainment: Bill Murray, Jimmy Fallon, Chris Rock, Emma Stone, Maya Rudolph, Jim Belushi, Cuba Gooding Jr. and Martin Short. At one point, Fallon, who loves to sing on his nightly show, even provides some back-up vocals for the master of pop, rock, funk and R&B.
In the coming months, we're likely to see a stream of new footage and music emerge that shows us previously unseen performances from Prince, but this might be the one that packs the most star power in one jam session.
View the video here:
Verloor jou selfoon elke dag/maand onwetend geld?
Subskripsie dienste wat daagliks of maandeliks geld van jou foon vat sonder dat jy dit weet?
Hoe vind jy uit en sit jy dit stop?
Kyk gerus hierna...
Donderdag 21 April 2016
Gebed strategie #dag3
So... ek jaag toe mos nou die duiwel uit my huis uit. Hy is nou weg. Die deur is toe. Min besef ek, dis mos elkgeval ek wat hom laat inkom het! Nie waar nie?
As jul die vorige dae gelees het sal jul onthou, ek het gebid vir die wag voor my mond.
Vir my woorde.
Gebed is nie ñ een-dag per "topic" gesprek met God nie. Elke onderwerp moet elke dag ontwikkel en so groei ons.
Ja...hier het al paar slegte dinge gebeur... goed wat breek...goed wat geld kos...en geld is maar altyd ñ probleem,né?! Stop die bus net daar...
Ek dank God vir daai geld wat daar was om iets mee te kon fix. Ek dank God vir alles wat werk, alles wat gefix is, en alles wat aanhou werk! Ja! Ek bid seëninge uit oor my kar, my sleutel, my engin, my bande... you name it I claim it! God is die ware eienaar nie ek nie! Ek durf niks negatiefs oor sy goed dink of spreek nie! Wie gee my, wat klein en nietig is, die reg?!
Positiewe gedagtes. Positiewe woorde.
Dink ook bietjie hieroor as jy in die verkeer sit... en daai "aap" ry voor jou in, ry soos sy agterent of ry net pleinweg te stadig vir joú skedule!
Daar wil ek klaar reeds weer lelik wees. Iets toesnou. Stop, stop, wag net ñ bietjie. En ek bid vir daai taxi met nommer L55 op sy ruit, en ek bid vir almal on hom en toe sommer vir al die voertuie en voetgangers waarmee hy in aanraking gaan kom... en toe sommer maar vir die wit mercedes langs hom, en die groen Nissan langs hom, en toe ek weer sien het ek sommer vir al die karre, die paaie, die treine, busse, trokke, motorfietse, fietse, mense, diere wat oor die pad loop... gebid...vir wysheid, vir genade, vir veiligheid. Vir God se Liefde.
Nou ja, hoekom kan ons dit nie eerder elke dag doen wanneer ons, ons wil vererg vir ander se foute nie? Ja, daai onnosele fout kan iemand se lewe kos...maar, wie kan eintlik in beheer wees van elke liewe mens? Net God. Kom ons bid vir elke liewe mens - dat hul God sal kies, in alle omstandighede.
Woensdag 20 April 2016
Gebed strategie #dag2
Geduld.... is 'n goeie rede vir gebed.
Liewe Heer, ek probeer om liefdevol, goedhartig en geduldig te wees. Heer, selfs met my beste pogings, is ek sondig, en kry ek dit nie altyd reg nie.
Here, ek beveel die satan in die Naam van Jesus om weg te gaan uit ons huis en uit ons lewe uit! "Hierdie huis is onder nuwe bestuur!"
Vader, ek besef dat volmaakte liefde nie deur my as mens alleen gewys kan word nie. Maar, slegs deur U wat in my is, wat deur my werk.
Here, maak my ñ kanaal van u volmaakte Agape liefde.
Ek verklaar dat ek gretig sal wees om te hoor, stadig om te praat, te oordeel en kwaad te word. Soos U in Johannes 1:19 onderrig. Here, help my asb hiermee.
Help my om te onthou dat my woorde die kondisie van my hart reflekteer en help my om weg te bly van negatiewe opmerkings af - weerhou my tong.
Dis ñ uittreksel uit dag 2 se gebed... verder ook vir my gesin gebid...vir geduld. Finansies, reen, familie wat gebed nodig het...ensv...maar nie sonder om DANKIE te sê nie. Dankbaarheid so belangrike deel v gebed.
God het reeds hier kom Red! Satan kan sy aanvalle laat vaar!
God is my vesting...by hom is ek en my gesin veilig!
♡ Geseënd is die wat weet hoe afhanklik hulle van God is, want aan hulle behoort die Koningkryk van die Hemel♡
Maandag 18 April 2016
Gebed strategie #dag1
Ons hele huis moet u Heer met dieselfde passie dien.
Mattheus 12: 22-37
"30 Wie nie aan My kant is nie, is teen My; en wie nie saam met My die skape bymekaarmaak nie, jaag hulle uitmekaar.
Ondersteun mekaar.
God help my as Vrou om daagliks te besef dat ek saam met U hierdie huis moet bou vir Koningkrykswaarde; vir Verlossing. Want, Vader, as ek nie saam met U bou nie, bou ek teen U. Ek bid dat ons al vier saam met U sal bou.
My man, Jesus ek bid vir hom - ek bid dat hy tyd sal kry vir sy gesin se prioriteite, terwyl hy so hard werk. Ondersteun hom Heer, gee hom die krag wat hy nodig het. Seën hom in sy werk. Gee hom ook tyd, tyd om U te verheerlik, tyd om Hoëpriester van die huis en gesin wat u saamgevoeg het te wees. Here, dankie dat hy ons liefhet en vir ons wil sorg. Ek weet hy het U die liefste. Help hom, om ook U wil vir hom te verstaan - raak te sien elke dag.
Daar is plek vir elke geknakte lewe by Christus. Vir elkeen wat moeg en oorlaai is.
{Amen... vir die blog...}
Nou gaan ek oor na my gebed vir elkeen van my kinders en ander sake van die hart.
Sondag 17 April 2016
{What to Pray for} ♡some ideas♡
During my prayer journey I will share a part of my "inner room" with you to also support you on your journey {besides this blog is a big part of my inner space}....
But, for, today if you are unsure about prayer, this list will certainly trigger some issues close to your heart:
Whatever you may decide to pray for, let it flow straight from your heart.
♡ May you be Blessed in abundance ♡
Elke-sekonde-tel ♡nou ook op Facebook♡
Sien jou daar {TG}
♡Ek is nie perfek nie, maar my Skepper is♡
Maar, ek glo in ñ God wat my perfek liefhet.
Ek.dink partykeer dis waarom ek hou van skryf. Ek kan my foute, ja al my swakhede, op papier of digitaal deesdae uitdruk.
Al my hartseer, seer, goed en sleg, liefde en geluk kan ek hier neerlê.
Ja, baie mense sal my kan oordeel. Maar dis nie die punt nie.... daar gaan daai een of twee of selfs drie siele wees wat ek wel bietjie hoop kan gee, bietjie kan laat lag vir al my simpel oomblikke, bietjie kan inspireer. Kan saam bid. Saam lag. Saam huil.
Vir daai paar siele is hierdie blog hier. Met al sy "nie-perfeksie". En, ook vir my.
Kom ons vier ons mens wees. Elkeen uniek. God se kunswerke.♡
Heerlike week vir julle xxx
Submit to God. Are you wasting time?
“Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”
Excellent reminder of God's Grace. We are often too selfish with our words. (Wo)Man-up and embrace the responsibility God is gifting you with. As women we need to pray for our husband's. And then step out of the way. Don't try to be a control freak over a situation. No OCD. Let go. Let God. Trust. Pray for your husband, wife, mother, father, son, daugther..... before it is too late. Fight a successful fight - strategy and commitment.
Success in a job, or a lifestyle, a hobby or nothing else... is as important as loving and supporting your family. But being obedient to God's Word - should always come first. We must be open to learn how.
It is good to regret past time wasted, but what are you doing with your present ♡gifted♡ time?
Vrydag 15 April 2016
♡♡Hoe hanteer mens kleuter tantrums?♡♡
♡♡Hoe hanteer mens kleuter tantrums?♡♡
Dit is daardie deel van die dag wat jy vrees... Jou kind het jou op die rand van jou geduld met sy oorverdowende, aardsverbryselende gille en jy is op die punt om beheer te wil neem ... op die manier wat jy die beste ken ... deur selfs harder terug te skree... stop, ja man ja, stop net daar! Haal asem my mens...
Om die frustrasie weg te hou vir 'n rukkie, kan jy regtig leer uit wat ek nou hier wil sê.
{Hoekom gooi jou kind tantrums?}
Tantrums is algemeen in kinders (seuns en meisies) tot op die ouderdom van 2 jaar (terrible two's)...
Woedebuie wissel van eenvoudige huil en huil tot volslae dak af skree, aggressief raak deur gooi van voorwerpe (ek het gister ñ skoen teen die kop gekry) of om die asem op te hou.
Sommige gelukkige ouers kom daarmee weg.. hulle het kinders wat selde tantrums gooi... maar dit is skaars gevalle.
Tantrums is normaal as deel van die ontwikkelingsiklus van die kind en dui op moegheid of slaperigheid, hongerte of prikkelbaarheid of hul kry nie hul sin nie ... en weet nog nie hoe om hul emosies te bestuur nie.
{Hoe gaan die liggaam te werk om hierdie tipe gedrag te verander soos hul ouer word?}
Terwyl kinders ouer word en veral tussen die ouderdom van 18 maande en 4 jaar groei, begin hulle stadig leer van die hantering van hul verhoogde emosionele gevoelens... sonder die hulp van hul ouers. Dit gebeur as deel van die kognitiewe ontwikkeling van die brein.
♡♡Maar, wat nou gemaak?♡♡
{Vind die hoofrede vir jou kleuter se tantrum}
Die eerste ding wat jy dalk wil probeer wanneer jou kind 'n tantrum gooi, is om die werklike rede agter sy frustrasie te probeer verstaan. Soos ek hierbo noem, kan die redes gewoonlik verband hou met kos, melk, soek aandag , of wys ongemak van 'n vuil doek.
{Bly kalm}
Dit is een van die mees doeltreffenste maniere vir hantering van kleuter-uitbarstings. Dit is altyd baie belangrik om kalm te bly wanneer jou kind 'n tantrum gooi.
In plaas daarvan, om te begin skree op jou kind of hom/haar te probeer slaan.. dit gaan die situasie net vererger. Om kalm te bly help ook om vir jou kind ñ rustige atmosfeer te skep en sodoende stres te verminder vir beide van julle.
{Gee jou kindjie ruimte}
As jou kind 'n tantrum gooi, gee vir hom / haar spasie... om hulle uiteindelik te help om hulself in beheer te kry. Maar, terwyl jy jou kind ruimte gee, maak seker dat daar niks in sy pad is wat hom eintlik kan seermaak nie.
{Lei jou Kind se Gedagtes Af}
Sagte afleiding... bv. begin aktiwiteit waarvan jou kind baie hou of trek "funny faces".
{Bied belonings aan vir goeie gedrag}
Wanneer jy uitgaam vir 'n ete in 'n restaurant, kan dit 'n goeie tyd vir jou wees om jou kind 'n bietjie om te koop bv. sjokolade of deur hom 'n video te laat kyk as hy hom gedra. Moenie bekommerd wees nie, dit is heeltemal reg vir omkopery soms, solank as wat dit op jou terme is en die reëls konsekwent bly.
☆☆Wanneer om hulp te soek?☆☆
{Ek voel elke liewe dag om hulp te soek met my 2-jarige}
Selfs nadat ons probeer het om tantrums geduldig te bestuur op alle moontlike maniere, kan daar gevalle wees waar selfs jou beste pogings misluk. As jy voel dat die situasie verder gaan as jou perke, is dit raadsaam dat jy jou pediater raadpleeg. Kyk ook na jouself, jou gesondheid is belangrik en stres is nie goed vir jou of jou kleintjie nie.
Die Amerikaanse Akademie vir Pediatrie beveel aan dat jy jou pediater of familie dokter raadpleeg, indien:
Jou kind beseer hom of haarself of ander, of vernietig eiendom tydens tantrums.
Jou kind hou sy of haar asem op tydens tantrums, veral as hy of sy flou raak.
Jou kind nagmerries kry, hom/haar skielik begin natmaak, hoofpyn, maagpyn, angs kry... weier om te eet of te gaan slaap, of aan jou klou.
☆☆ ☆☆ ☆☆ ☆☆
Onthou, elke mamma of pappa het ook soms ñ "time-out" nodig. Maak tyd om ñ breek te vat en jou kop skoon te kry. Gaan bederf jouself.
CureJoy App
Donderdag 14 April 2016
A Healthy Life {Minion jokes aside}
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Nie goed genoeg nie!
Stelling A: "You were born... pre-approved" Glo jy dit? Stelling B: "You were unsuccessful..." Jy kán nie, jy is nie ...

Hoe om koeksoda en klapperolie as 'n diep reiniger op jou gesig te gebruik... ♡ Resep♡ bestanddele: 2 teelepels organiese ekstra-virg...